Art is still a manifestation of what happens in the Etereal Fields, which is in a way how you create your life.
If the outter space is already quite explored, we still need to swim, dive and flow under pressure. This is why we work together with emergent artists to bring them the contact with air and get the wave to surf.
From the deepest water of this endless universe and for the evolution of the underground. To all of you who blink in the action and in-action, giving birth the new water-earth, we say connection!
Subacuatica is a multidisciplinary networking label, focusing mainly on the integration of an emergent South-american music culture that includes a huge variety of musical genres to Germany and the rest of Europe, begining from Buenos Aires to Berlin.
A cultural event happens every two months with live concerts, visuals arts and other performances.
It was founded by Gonzalo Marinucci in the first half of 2014 with a cycle of concerts each month at the mytical Tommy Weisbecker Haus in Xberg, Berlin.
Register to our newsletter and keep updated about future dates, new bands and much more on the subacuatic universe.
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